About the company

Karabalta Mining Company» LLC was launched in 2024.

The sole shareholder owning 100% of the authorized capital of «Karabalta Mining Company» LLC is OJSC «Kyrgyzaltyn».

OJSC «Kyrgyzaltyn»‘s acquisition of 100% of «Karabalta Mining Company» LLC‘s shares has ensured the company’s operational launch, offering the city of Kara-Balta a renewed opportunity for significant economic growth and the creation of numerous jobs at the former production facilities of the Kara-Balta Mining Combine.

The main activities of «Karabalta Mining Company» LLC include the processing of uranium, non-ferrous, rare-earth metals, and other valuable minerals. The upcoming modernization of the production facilities aims to meet high standards of safety and environmental responsibility.

«Karabalta Mining Company» LLC is a strategically important enterprise focused on contributing to the long-term development of the region’s economy. This supports the development of industrial infrastructure and strengthens the Kyrgyz Republic’s position in the international market.